i have doubts about your ability to do your job 意味

  • あなたの仕事をこなす能力に疑問を感じています


        i appreciate your efforts:    I appreciate your efforts ご苦労さん 御苦労さん ごくろうさん ご苦労さま ごくろうさま
        i beg your pardon:    I beg your pardon 御免なさい ご免なさい ごめんなさい
        supposing i was in your place:    仮に私があなたの立場{たちば}なら
        when i was your age:    私があなたの年齢のとき
        not quit your day job:    (新しいことを始めた人に)今の仕事{しごと}を辞めない方がいい、地道{じみち}に今の仕事{しごと}を続けた方がいい◆not give up your day job とも言う。 So you think this invention is going to turn you into millionaire? My advice is don't quit your day job. この発明
        your:     YOUR {略} : you are◆インターネット
        your will:    your will 貴意 きい 御意 ぎょい 尊慮 そんりょ
        do your worst:     dó your wórst [挑戦的に] ひどいことができるものならいくらでもやってみろ《◆できはしないだろうという含みがある; 三人称の場合はlet him do his ~》.
        how about your concerns about:    ~についてどのような懸念{けねん}[心配{しんぱい}?不安{ふあん}]をお持ちですか?
        i shall spit on your graves:    {著作} : 墓に唾をかけろ◆仏1946《著》ボリス?ヴィアン(Boris Vian)
        i wanna hold your hand:    {映画} : 抱きしめたい◆米1978《監督》ロバート?ゼメキス《製作総指揮》スティーヴン?スピルバーグ《出演》ナンシー?アレン◆ビートルズ初訪米時のファンの熱狂ぶりをネタにしたドタバタ?コメディ。映画の中の実写場面ではビートルズのメンバーは手足など体の一部しか見えず、テレビ?モニタなどを通してのみ彼らの(本物の)顔が見られるという趣向になっている。
        have it your own way:     Háve it your (ówn) wáy. ((略式))好きなようにしろ《◆通例いらだちを表す》.
        have doubts about the propriety of:    ~に違和感{いわかん}を覚える
        have serious doubts about:    ~について大いに疑問{ぎもん}に思う
        have some doubts about:    ~について少しばかり懐疑的{かいぎてき}である


  1. "i have disregarded their contention at the advice of my lawyer" 意味
  2. "i have done it hundreds of times and i can say with assurance that this method works" 意味
  3. "i have done it to my profit" 意味
  4. "i have done much thinking along these lines" 意味
  5. "i have done nothing to justify such accusations" 意味
  6. "i have endeavored, as much as possible, to divest this book of technicalities" 意味
  7. "i have engaged a box at the drury lane theatre" 意味
  8. "i have engaged two rooms at the hotel" 意味
  9. "i have enjoyed many favors at your hands" 意味
  10. "i have done much thinking along these lines" 意味
  11. "i have done nothing to justify such accusations" 意味
  12. "i have endeavored, as much as possible, to divest this book of technicalities" 意味
  13. "i have engaged a box at the drury lane theatre" 意味

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